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Do you wish your litter box would disappear? Well, this may be the next best thing. Introducing the Katford Krystal Designer Litter Box from Whisker World. This unique litter box is made of sturdy, crystal clear plastic that fits seamlessly with your decor. Generously sized at 16″ wide by 21″ long at the top with 8″ tall sides to prevent spraying outside the box. I’ve never seen anything like it and I think it’s an elegant alternative to standard plastic litter boxes.
We’d love to get your feedback on the new Katford Krystal Litter Box so please leave a comment on this post and tell us what you think of the style, size, price, etc.
The Whisker World Designer Plastic Litter Box is proudly made in the USA and available now from Amazon.
*FTC Disclosure: This post contains Amazon Associate links. If you make a purchase after clicking on the links, Hauspanther will get a small commission. We are dedicated to finding the coolest products for cats and cat lovers and we never recommend anything that we don’t love.
Nice idea but…as an xl litterbox owner, this is too small. And this is 2x-3x the $. Both aspects need improvement.
8″ is too short. I use storage totes because I need the sides to be at least a foot high to keep one of my cats from shooting outside the box. Until a litter box can accommodate that without putting a lid on the box then I’ll consider it, but right now storage totes work better and are generally less expensive.
What I like about this litter box is that it’s made from hard plastic. It’s likely either non-porous or near non-porous, whereas all the other “softer” litter boxes are much more porous and can harbor bacteria and odors.
This Whisker World Crystal Clear Designer Litter Box is PURRfect! I love the large dimensions, convenient doorway, design, and the price is affordable by the average person for a good litterbox that should last a long time. For those who prefer domestic products, it’s wonderful from that standpoint as well. *And of course, the very fine tuxedo model enhances the look!*
It’s beautiful, and a great idea, but I would need one that has higher sides for my big boy.
Why would you endorse this product?
You can see by the pics with your in it, it’s TOO SMALL!! Cats need more space than than to be comfortable!!
It’s a cute box, but $45 is a high price.
My cats need higher sides to keep their deposits contained in the box.
I use the $7 Sterilite 66qt ClearView clear box from Target. It’s big, clear, and cheap.
Overall Size: 23″ x 16″ x 13″ Works great.
It’s pretty obvious when I need to scoop so I don’t need or want to see any more litter or poop than I have to! It would be good, though, if you have to watch your cat poop or pee for medical reasons. But it’s too expensive – you can get a similarly sized box for $10-$20.
Hi Kate. I hope you are well.
I’d really love it if you’d do a post on litter boxes for big cats. I have an 18# British Shorthair. We’ve been using a cement mixing pan we bought from Home Depot (I think it is the smaller of the 2 sizes they carry). Anything smaller & he pees over the edge. I’ve been looking for a nice solution for years but have never found anything.
I know I’m not the only person with a huge cat! We were at a cat show recently & saw a Norwegian Forest guy that would make my guy look small.
Hope to hear from you. Love your blog. Been following your for years.
i wish someone would make a littler box big enough for more than one cat, and big cats at that, and at a reasonable price. i use drywall “mud pans” from Lowes Home Improvement, both sizes (24Wx36Lx8D, $13.46) and the smaller one (20Wx28Lx6D, $5.98). they are easy to clean with their rounded ends and perfect for my big cats, i have a couple that are 20 lbs. obviously the price is awesome. i only wish the sides were high on both, ideally 10 to 12 inches. an optional shield insert would be great. i actually use the thin flashing material and mold it to fit.
Amazon is out of stock obn this item, and doesn’t know if/when it will be back in stock. As a result, no price is given. I would probably consider it if I knew the price!
It’s back in stock!
Nice looking, but quite expensive for something plastic and that low front opening is just waiting for cats to kick litter out of it. I personally use the white storage bins from Ikea as litter boxes. Despite it’s high sides they still manage to kick litter out of the handles, (the monsters!) but it’s a very clean/streamlined design that looks great.
Looks nice but agree that it’s not very practical. Have used large storage boxes just cut a piece lower so easier for the cat to go in out. But it’s not easy to clean. Not the dailies but to clean the once in a week or actually 🙂 every two weeks thorough cleaning of the box itself. I’ve found a fairly large litter box at last Savic Aseo Litter Tray Jumbo which is in measurements: 67.5 x 48.5 x 28 cm. Bought two of this and cats seem happy with it. And because of the curvy edges and unlike the straight ones from the storage boxes it’s easier to clean and dry.