The Cat Rescuers is a new documentary being made to shed light on the enormous cat overpopulation issue and what can be done about it. This film follows four catvocates as they rescue and TNR hundreds of cats and kittens in New York City. For those of us who are familiar with TNR (trap-neuter-return, read more about it here) and for anyone new to the idea, this film will tug at your heartstrings and inspire you to get out there and do something.
The Cat Rescuers is currently running a Kickstarter campaign to finish the film. Please contribute if you can and share the campaign with your friends!
*FTC Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a contribution after clicking on the links, Hauspanther will get a small commission.
thank you for sharing this. i’m now a backer!!
Thank you so much for sharing this, as I have been on social media daily. This movie NEEDS to be made and seen!