


NEW! Hauspanther Organic Catnip Spray

I love essential oils, but I’m pretty careful about using them around my cats because there’s a lot of debate about whether or not essential oils are toxic to cats. This is a very controversial topic and even just a…

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KittyWhip Handcrafted Wand Cat Toys

 Quite often, beauty is found in simplicity. I was recently introduced to KittyWhip wand cat toys, which are one of the finest examples of this adage. These toys are handcrafted in the US using 100% sustainable materials that are both…

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Breakfast Food Cat Toys for Hungry Kitties!

Since kitties can’t enjoy real breakfast foods, here are some fun breakfast-themed cat toys to keep them entertained while you enjoy your pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs! This interactive puzzle toy for cats from OurPets is in the shape of…

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