Photo courtesy of Catio Spaces

Here’s a fantastic catio makeover from Cynthia Chomos, catio designer and founder of Catio Spaces in Seattle, Washington. This project transformed an old garden shed into a Catio Castle built for one very lucky cat.

Photo courtesy of Catio Spaces

“I love an opportunity to transform spaces and this catio project got my creative wheels turning!
During a catio consultation with my client who wanted a catio for his tabby Penne, he expressed interest in removing an old garden shed and having Catio Spaces build a catio on top of the concrete pad. Upon surveying the backyard garden, I noticed it was small and lovely, and despite the run-down look of the shed, it was still structurally sound and provided valuable space for storing garden tools. 
I looked above the shed and saw the railing and remnants of his daughter’s former play area. My creative wheels started turning and I envisioned a “cat castle” catio with access through an elevated cat tunnel connected to the family room window. It could be a purrfect solution to maintain the function of the shed and give Penne a safe outdoor space to enjoy watching birds and her humans in the garden below. 
I told my client I’d love to transform the shed into a cat castle for Penne — on one condition. We would need to call his beloved feline” “Princess Penne” when we’re done!”

-Cynthia Chomos

Photos courtesy of Catio Spaces

The shed is painted the house color and the tunnel and catio are painted white to complement the home. The catio features an 8’ long cat tunnel leading to a 4-sided, 5’ x 6’ x 9’ peaked catio with a window box “lookout” on the side overlooking the garden and patio below. For human access to the catio there is a door on the back of the catio that is accessible by a set of stairs.

Photo courtesy of Catio Spaces

The interior of the catio features a cedar shelf above the floor, a spacious carpeted lounge area in the  lookout, and a crown-shaped cat bed for an afternoon catnap. Cynthia added a faux window on the shed facing the house with a scalloped awning and a laminated a photo of Penne above a new planter box with flowers.

Photo courtesy of Catio Spaces

Photo courtesy of Catio Spaces

Princess Penne was excited to explore the catio. Her royal highness now has a safe outdoor space with commanding views of her new domain.

Photo courtesy of Catio Spaces

See more of Cynthia’s catio designs and learn about building a catio for your cat at