
I’m a big fan of Samantha Martin and the Amazing Acro-Cats! I’ve seen their show several times and not only is it incredibly entertaining, but they are doing a great job traveling around the country promoting cat training awareness and supporting cat adoption by fostering and adopting out kittens (very well trained kittens, I might add!)

Now they need some help in order to keep the show going and continue spreading their message about how awesome cats are! Their old tour bus just isn’t cutting it anymore, so they are running a Kickstarter campaign to get a new bus. This bus will be the ultimate in Catification on wheels! It will be custom designed to house the cats and their human staff (they all live and sleep together on the bus, like a big family!) in comfort and catified luxury! It will even have a catio on the roof! But they can’t do it without your support.


Head on over to the Acro-Cats Kickstarter page to see all the perks you can get for supporting their project. This is a group that’s dedicated to the awesomeness of cats, so if you love what they do, please support them!


Make sure to watch this fabulous video and get to know some of the stars of the show: