The Vertical Cat has two awesome new wall mounted products and this is your chance to win one! Check out their new wall mounted cat bed, a sturdy box bed that attaches to the wall giving kitty a perfect perch for surveying her surroundings. It comes with a carpet insert and measures 11.5″ x 23.75″.
The other brand new product is a wall mounted cat feeding station shelf. This is a great way to let kitty eat in peace if she faces intruding dogs or children when down on the ground. The feeding shelf includes two stainless steel bowls that fit into recessed openings to hold them in place.
Both of these would make great additions to any Cat Superhighway, providing excellent destinations along the route. The new wall mounted cat bed and feeding station will be available soon from, so this is your chance to get the very first one! The giveaway winner will get to select either product and choose the finish!
To enter the weekly giveaway, please visit the Hauspanther Giveaway page and complete the entry form. The deadline to enter this week’s giveaway is midnight Pacific Time on Sunday, May 11, 2014. This giveaway includes free shipping to addresses in the US. Readers outside the US are welcome to enter if they are willing to pay the additional shipping charges.
These are beautiful. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win! Heading right over to enter the contest.
Clever designs!
The elevated feeding station is such a great idea! In addition to keeping the dog out of the cat’s food, I can see this being very helpful to human guardians that find bending down to the floor a challenge or impossible.
One of my three cats would love a cat bed
I hope the feeding station becomes availabe with other bowl options. I’d love to have one, but all my cats hate stainless steel.
These are diffrent and look like they’re very well made, I would love to win one of them for my 5 cats that like to climb on everything.
Meow Want dis.. Meowmy should win dis. We kneads it.
That is amazing.