
Have you given any thought to why there are so many more internet video featuring cats than dogs? What is it about cat videos that keeps everyone coming back for more? Could this phenomena be tied to a greater influence on culture and taste making?

The folks over at Coffee House Press have a project going to explore exactly this. They’ve gathered together some fabulous writers, including Carl Wilson, author of Let’s Talk About Love, Rhonda Lieberman, Elena Passarello, and Will Braden, the human belonging to Henri le Chat Noir, along with many others. Together they are creating a book to be titled Cat is Art Spelled Wrong about how we decide what is good or bad art (or art at all), how taste develops, how that can change, and why we love or hate something.


They are currently running a “Catstarter” campaign to make the book happen. There are some excellent perks for contributing to the campaign, including posters and tote bags from the 2014 Internet Cat Video Festival. Visit the Catstarter campaign page to learn more.